Project teams can use Informed™ to easily evaluate the material health of common products in minutes—not hours, stepping up from red as a critical first move.

Using Habitable’s Informed™ approach, you can identify worst-in-class building materials and step up from red-ranked products to replace them with healthier options.
Informed™’s red-to-green guidance ranks building product types from worst to best in class, exposing life cycle impacts on human and planetary health.
Based on Habitable’s decades of independent, comprehensive research into the chemical hazards of building materials, Informed™ allows built environment professionals to quickly and easily evaluate the material health of common building products and select safer alternatives while saving time, money, and errors.
Informed™’s product guidance will help you learn at your own pace. Our decades of research have been translated into an intuitive red-to-green color ranking to simplify your understanding of healthy materials.
The Informed™ Product Explorer maps our guidance to CSI Master Format™ divisions. Start selecting product types then see your results on the Project Assessment form. Share your findings with clients and certification programs.
The results, based on data for Minnesota affordable housing, are consistent with products used in other building types and geographic regions.
The report highlights examples of leaders within and beyond Minnesota’s built environment who are already taking action toward safer material choices.
Built environment leaders are optimizing for decarbonization and detoxification–you don’t have to choose.
We know it’s possible to advance climate goals by selecting products that are low-carbon and minimize the harmful chemicals that impact human health.
The affordable housing sector is leveraging Informed™ to empower healthier product selection, avoiding worst-in-class product types that put residents and workers across the supply chain at risk.
Project teams can use Informed™ to easily evaluate the material health of common products in minutes—not hours, stepping up from red as a critical first move.
Informed™ cuts though data gaps and greenwashing by providing science-backed independent research to validate your decision-making.
Prepare the next generation of architects and designers to select healthier products by using Informed™ in the classroom, building students’ knowledge to take into the workforce.