The new Global Framework on Chemicals envisions a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste, covering the life cycle of chemicals, promoting initiatives for their sound management, and involving stakeholders from various sectors and levels to ensure a safe, healthy, and sustainable future.
Toxic-Free Future is a leading advocate for environmental health, leveraging science, education, and activism to promote strong laws and corporate responsibility that safeguard the health of individuals and the planet.
This spring, Save Our Susquehanna (SOS), a grassroots group in central Pennsylvania, successfully halted Houston-based Encina’s proposed “chemical recycling” plant, one of the largest proposals in the nation.
On April 18, after two years of local opposition, Encina announced it would not proceed with the plant in Point Township, Pennsylvania. This decision marks a significant victory for Pennsylvanians, achieved through the determined efforts of SOS and support from The Climate Reality Project, Clean Air Council, GAIA, and Beyond Plastics. Read on to learn how local advocates united to defeat Encina’s proposal.
The American Chemistry Council promotes chemical recycling as a solution to plastic waste but this article highlights concerns raised by environmentalists about its efficacy and environmental impact, as well as the lobbying efforts to reclassify it as manufacturing in 24 states.
This article provides an overview of the global plastic waste crisis, highlighting the environmental impact of plastic pollution and the ongoing efforts by the UN to create a legally binding international agreement to address the issue.
This news article reports that the United Nations has declared the ongoing PFAS contamination of North Carolina’s Cape Fear watershed a violation of residents’ right to a clean and safe environment, urging the Environmental Protection Agency to hold the polluters accountable.
This article discusses the latest update to the planetary boundaries model, highlighting the inclusion of numerical guideposts for each boundary and emphasizing the interconnected factors influencing Earth’s habitability beyond climate change.
ChemSec takes on PFAS in this educational rap battle.
This fact sheet highlights the urgent need to phase out the production and use of high-priority plastic polymers, chemical additives, and products that pose significant hazards to human health and the environment, in order to address the global plastics crisis.
This report discusses concerns about replacing lead service lines with PVC plastic pipes, highlighting the potential health and environmental risks associated with leaching chemicals, urging for thorough consideration and evaluation of alternative piping materials.